Master Contract Number (SB): 47QRCA25DS155
Period of Performance (SB): 12/19/2024 - 12/18/2034
Master Contract Number (SDVOSB): 47QRCA24DV337
Period of Performance (SDVOSB): 9/30/2024 - 9/29/2034
CAGE Code: 4Q5A2
Type of Vehicle: MAS IDIQ
Program Manager: C.K. Park
Contract Manager: Susanna Thornton
Phone: 703-750-0453 | 703-214-1126
OASIS+ is the largest government-wide, multi-agency contract program that provides professional services via six Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts.
NIS is eligible to compete under the Technical and Engineering (T&E) Domain.
This domain includes requirements to provide specific engineering, geoscience, or other technical professional skills, such as those performed by engineers, geologists, geophysicists, and technicians, required to handle specific operating conditions and problems for the benefit of the government. Work under this Domain typically involves the application of physical laws and principles of engineering in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, processes, and systems; and providing expert advice and assistance on technical functions and issues.
For more information, please visit GSA OASIS+ website.